Foggy Oak Fairy Tales
Foggy Oak Fairy Tales is a cozy short stories podcast for kids!
We tell farm stories from real-life happenings our farm, as well as fantasy tales to spark both learning and imagination.
Put a story on at bedtime, during car rides, or any time, to transport your child somewhere new!
48 episodes
Be Careful What You Wish For! (King Midas and the Golden Touch)🫵🪙🪙
Many fairy tales offer us the lesson “be careful what you wish for”. They teach us that sometimes getting what we want isn’t at all what we expected…and warn us about the dangers of making bargains we can’t control. “The Magic Floun...
Season 4
Episode 6

The Hedley Kow 👵🏻🪙🪨🐉
Hi friends! Last season we had a story about a fellow named Hans who was born on a leap year and believed he was the luckiest man alive…and interpreted every even that happened through that lens. This month’s episode features an old...
Season 4
Episode 5

Henry the Sled Stealing Dog 🐕🛷
This month’s episode is about my parents’ black lab Henry, who we discovered takes an unusual and vast delight in stealing and returning sleds. Not just any sleds, however, only those that he believes are not sleds at all...but actually giant f...
Season 4
Episode 4

The Blacksmith who Outwitted Death⚒️ 💀
Hi friends! This month's episode is a funny adaptation of one of the oldest known fairy tales. A blacksmith makes a bargain with death, and then works to outwit him time and time again. Iterations of this story trace back 5 – 6,000...
Season 4
Episode 3

Foggy Oak Scary Tales: The Trick or Treating Cat 😺🎃🍬
Hi friends! This special Foggy Oak Scary Tale is about our cat, Idgie, who surprised us by coming trick or treating! It’s the final installment in this October’s Foggy Oak Scaaaary Tales! Thanks to sister-in-law extraordinaire Lee ...
Season 4
Episode 2

Foggy Oak Scary Tales: Clangs, Bangs, and SHRIEKS! 😱 👻
Hi friends! Foggy Oak Fairy Tales is back, and spooky season is upon us! That means it’s time for us to dim the lights, light a few candles, and settle in for a FOGGY OAK SCAAAAAARY Tale – a kid friendly scary story vetted by my daughters to ma...
Season 4
Episode 1

Southern Northern Lights 🌠
It seems this spring is one for stories of celestial events because just last weekend we were treated to the exceptionally rare experience of being able to see the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, here in southwest Virginia! Join me t...
Season 3
Episode 8

Three New Hens 🐔🐔🐔
Hi friends! This week’s story is about three hens with big personalities who recently rejoined us at Foggy Oak Farm...and the hijinks they have already gotten into. Flock additions are always interesting, but perhaps never qu...
Season 3
Episode 7

Total Eclipse on a Farm 🌕🌓🌑
Hi friends! This week’s episode is about my recent trip to Ohio to experience the totality of the 2024 solar eclipse – a fantastical celestial event that I hope everyone will have the chance to experience at least once in their lifetimes.
Season 3
Episode 6

Goat Rides at Foggy Oak Farm 🐐🐎🌳
Hi Friends! This week I’m continuing our goat theme with a farm story about our goat Sunshine…and her recent determination to make my daughter into a goat rider?!
Season 3
Episode 5

The Three Billy Goats Gruff 🐐🐐🐐🧌
Hi Friends! This week’s story is an adaptation of one of my favorite fairy tales – The Three Billy Goats Gruff! Three goats are desperate to cross a bridge to get to a lush green pasture, but a fearsome terrible troll lives there and gobbles up...
Season 3
Episode 4

Fairies in the Chimney!🧚🏽🔥
Hi friends! This week’s story is an adaptation of the English Fairy Tale “My Own Self”, collected and edited in the volume “More English Fairy Tales” by Joseph Jacobs in 1922. In this story, a young boy finds out that his wish of...
Season 3
Episode 3

Bear the Bully and the Bundle of Sticks 🐻🪵
This week’s story is based on an Aesop’s Fable called “The Bundle of Sticks”, which teaches us the age old lesson that “unity is strength”. The forest animals are tired of being bossed around by the bullying Bear, who threatens to ...
Season 3
Episode 2

Shannon and the Sticky Sheep 🪄🐑
Hi friends! We are happy to be back with Season 3 of Foggy Oak Fairy Tales! This week we have a story about magic, sheep, and laughter. Shannon is a wonderful shepherd with the happiest, healthiest flock in all of Irel...
Season 3
Episode 1

The Puppies' First Snow 🐶❄️
Hi friends, this episode is about our puppies experiencing their very first real snow! It happened last week, and at a year-and-a-half old it was their first chance to fall in love with an aspect of winter that everyone here at Foggy Oak Farm a...
Episode 17

Wolf and Raven (or How the Wolf Got Her Pack) 🐺🪶
This week’s story is based on a recent scientific theory about how wolves became pack animals. Wolf likes to exist alone….until Raven gives her reason to believe that there is safety and success in numbers. What will she do??
Episode 16

The Magic Flounder (aka The Fisherman and His Wife) 🎣🐟🌊
This week’s story an adaptation of a Grimm’s Fairy Tale called “The Fisherman and His Wife”, originally published in 1812. A fisherman catches a magic fish who begs him for its life. The fisherman spares the fish, but later returns to make a se...
Season 2
Episode 15

Zoomy Fall Ducklings at Foggy Oak Farm 🐣🐤
This week we have another story about Ducklings! Towards the beginning of October, I found a surprise in the chicken coop. If you’ve been following the podcast for a while, you’ll remember that we have had a LOT of surprises in the chicken co...
Season 2
Episode 14

Foggy Oak Scary Tales: Mo the Mozasaur 🐊🐋
Welcome back to Foggy Oak Scaaaaaary Tales! This week involves a scary discovery that isn’t precisely what it seems. Our protagonists encounter a prehistoric mystery when they are almost crashed into by a gigantic reptile who turns out to be a ...
Season 2
Episode 13

Foggy Oak Scary Tales: The Point Prim Lighthouse Ghost 👻
Hi friends, welcome back to Foggy Oak Scaaaaaary Tales! This week we have a story about my family’s visit to the Point Prim Lighthouse on Prince Edward Island...and the ghost we met while touring the lighthouse. Join us for a cozy ...
Season 2
Episode 12

Foggy Oak Scary Tales: Tramp-o-MEAN 🤸🤸
Welcome back to Foggy Oak Scaaaaaary Tales! This week’s story is about two siblings, Harlan and Arley, who are desperate for a trampoline. Their parents agree to get them one, but the kids are impatient and wish that a trampoline would show up ...
Season 2
Episode 11

Foggy Oak Scary Tales: The Spookiest Halloween Ever! 👻🕸️🏚️
Hi friends, for the month of October we’re doing "Foggy Oak Scary Tales" to celebrate Halloween! These kid-friendly spooky stories are sure to give you a shiver of delight. Our first Foggy Oak Scary Tale comes from my mother, Kathy Krendl, abou...
Season 2
Episode 10

The Boy Who Cried...ROOSTER! 🐓
Have you heard the Aesop’s fable about the boy who cried wolf? This week’s story is a retelling of that fable about the risks of raising false alarms – in this case, not knowing how you’ll actually react to something scary until it happens.&nbs...
Season 2
Episode 9

The Wild Ducklings Who Smelled Like Pancakes 🐣🦆
Have you heard the expression “follows you around like a duckling” before? This is a story about a time when we rescued and hatched seven wild mallard duck eggs and how we learned that, like domestic ducks, wild ducklings imprint on you when th...
Season 2
Episode 8

Honorary Mermaids: The Twilight Zone 🧜♀️🧜♂️
This week, we’re back with siblings Rowan and Rosalie as they work to complete the second of three tests to become honorary mermaids! Last time, they were in the sunlight zone of the ocean and helped to save a baby otter who was in...
Season 2
Episode 7